Maintenance & Recalls
To maintain dental status after periodontal and implant therapy, it is important that a dental specialist monitors your condition. During this time maintenance therapy and additional treatments may be required.
The frequency, duration and type of maintenance required depends on the severity of each patient’s oral health history and treatment received. Maintenance & Recalls is a fundamental concept. If you purchase a Lamborghini, you are no going to neglect on its service; and so shouldn’t you with your periodontal care.
An update of your medical and dental history.
Examination of the cheeks, lips, gums and throat.
Tooth, gum and bone examination (periodontal probing around the teeth).
Review of home care routines.
Scaling, Root planing and air-polishing of the teeth and implants as needed.
Gum and pocket irrigation with medicine, as needed.
X-ray review.
It is essential to practice good oral hygiene habits and receive regular periodontal cleaning to maintain dental health. These habits will also ensure periodontal disease is kept under control and tissue surrounding dental implants is healthy.It is important to note that periodontitis and peri-implantitis are controllable but not curable. The periodontal maintenance is the most important procedure that you can do to keep the disease under control. Usually at the completion of an active therapy, a 3 month recall schedule is selected because the bacteria build up and double every day. By the end of the third month they are attacking the bone.
Nevertheless, with individualised and holistic concept in mind; the frequency of the recall may vary between 2-6 months based upon your each visit’s clinical (and may be radiographic) presentation.